Tradeweb Markets (NASDAQ: TW), a renowned global operator of electronic marketplaces catering to rates, credit, equities, and money markets, proudly announces its successful bid to secure two new framework agreements. These agreements mark a noteworthy milestone as Tradeweb is going to provide Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) to the European Central Bank (ECB) and other esteemed Eurosystem National Central Banks (NCBs). This accomplishment follows Tradeweb’s seamless participation in the rigorous procurement procedure orchestrated by the ECB.
Tradeweb Markets Secures New Framework Agreements with European Central Bank
This isn’t Tradeweb’s first foray into supplying ETPs to the ECB. The company previously clinched the tender to furnish ETPs to the ECB in 2015, demonstrating a history of trust and reliability.
The two framework agreements entrust Tradeweb with the provision of ETPs for an array of trading instruments, including EUR-denominated bonds (encompassing European government bonds, covered bonds, corporate bonds, repo, deposits, and certificates of deposits), U.S. Treasuries, Japanese government bonds, USD- and EUR-denominated SSA (supranationals, sovereign, and agency) bonds, as well as USD- and JPY-denominated interest rate swaps.
Under the terms of these contracts, Tradeweb is committed for a duration of four years, with provisions allowing for extension twice, potentially stretching the partnership for an additional two years.
Billy Hult, CEO of Tradeweb Markets, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve the European Central Bank for another term. He reiterated Tradeweb’s unwavering commitment to fostering collaboration with the ECB while striving to elevate the trading experience for central bank and sovereign wealth fund clients across the Tradeweb platform.
The awarding of these framework agreements underscores Tradeweb’s position as a trusted partner in the realm of electronic trading platforms, reaffirming its dedication to delivering cutting-edge solutions and services to esteemed institutions like the European Central Bank and Eurosystem National Central Banks.
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